Orange Pekoe - Crystalismo

Press Release:
orange pekoeの、1年7ヶ月ぶり6枚目のオリジナル?アルバム! 人気アニメ『リストランテ?パラディーゾ』の主題歌「マリーゴールド」収録! 持ち味であるジャズ、ラテンなど世界の音楽の万華鏡的エッセンスのブレンド的センスに加え、本作では斉藤良、岡部洋一(ROVO、The Thrillなど)などの参加により、より印象的で強力なリズムを生み出し、特にリード曲「クリスタリズム」では70'sソウルをモダンに解釈し幸福感あふれる開放的なGrooveを完成。まさに"新境地"といった作品になっている。収録曲「ゆらぎ」は「北國銀行 夏の感謝祭り」TVCM決定!


01. Theme of "CRYSTALISMO"!
02. Crystarhythm (Long Version)
03. Music is Freedom
04. Introduction~yuragi
05. Yuragi
06. Sparkle Journey
07. Introduction -Didgeridoo
08. Shinpi
09. Marigold
10. Odoru Hoshi
11. Utopia
12. Spica

Track(s) Below:


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

tank you!

Word of Advice

We don't upload any of the links in this blog because, their are too many floating around anyway, and it's a waste of time. Some do it for points, while some do it for money. Well we don't do it that way here, as long as we can share and let you know what's cracking with those albums we're happy. These guys don't get a lot of exposure, and for damn sure some of them will never graze the mainstream air wave. By the way not sure if anyone actually read this stuff, but if you made it this far, The Beat Dangler thanks you.


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