World of Warcraft - OST

My Thoughts:
The game that started it all, but nowadays, Blizzard just milks there fans(mostly stupid kids) out of their hard earned dollars. Now sitback and enjoy the past, when WOW was actually an incredible game, not like the current game, we have now!

01. Main Title: Legends Of Azeroth
02. The Shaping Of The World
03. Legacy
04. Song Of Elune
05. Echoes
06. A Call To Arms
07. Seasons Of War
08. Stormwind
09. Orgrimmar
10. The Undercity
11. Thunder Bluff
12. Darnassus
13. Ironforge
14. Elwynn Forest
15. Duskwood 16. Dun Morogh
17. Burning Steppes
18. Shimmering Flats
19. Felwood
20. Stranglethorn Vale
21. Tanaris
22. Teldrassil
23. Tavern
24. Moonfall
25. Ruins
26. Temple
27. Lurking
28. Sacred
29. Graveyard
30. War

Tracks Below:

Vids Below:


Anonymous said...

Word of Advice

We don't upload any of the links in this blog because, their are too many floating around anyway, and it's a waste of time. Some do it for points, while some do it for money. Well we don't do it that way here, as long as we can share and let you know what's cracking with those albums we're happy. These guys don't get a lot of exposure, and for damn sure some of them will never graze the mainstream air wave. By the way not sure if anyone actually read this stuff, but if you made it this far, The Beat Dangler thanks you.


Hit Points