Ol' Dirty Bastard - Return To The 36 Chambers

Press Release:
After being led into the 36 Chambers by Wu-Tang Clan, Ol' Dirty Bastard releases his debut solo Return To The 36 Chambers: The Dirty Version that doesn't veer too far away from the group's agenda. The RZA held down eleven of the seventeen tracks and O.D.B. even contributed with three tracks of his own. "Shimmy Shimmy Ya" is the first song to lead this LP off with a one key chord melody to fit the orthodox flow of Ol' Dirty. What make's "Baby C'mon" is the two tone track changed right at the perfect time. He represents and challenges competitors on "Brooklyn Zoo". For a more classic hip-hop feel on "Hippa To Da Hoppa" with a piano touch.

For those who want a classic Wu-Tang tune, "Raw Hide" featuring Method Man & Raekwon over a sinister loop with memorable lyrics "...so I gotta get paid fully / weather it's truthfully / or untruthfully..." "Damage" featuring Genius/GZA they awkwardly tag team for a good combination. Some of his comedic efforts show on "Don't U Know" as he flows about being in school trying to get with a girl. The plain and simple "The Stomp" is another song which displays the overall characteristics as there's different faces of rhyme styles as does "Goin' Down".

"Snakes" featuring Killer Priest, The RZA, Master Killer & Buddah Monk is a good song for the different styles and stories as done on the up-tempo "Proteck Ya Neck II The Zoo" featuring Buddah Monk, Prodigal Sun, Zoo Keeper, Murdoc, Killer Priest, 12 O'clock, Shorty Sh*t Stain & 60 Second Assassin. "Dirty Dancin'" featuring Method Man throws the album to another level over a looped bass. To close off on a high note with another off-beat song, "Harlem World" adds to the intensity of this effort as a whole. R.I.P.

Track list:
1. Intro
2. Shimmy Shimmy Ya
3. Baby C'mon
4. Brooklyn Zoo
5. Hippa To Da Hoppa
6. Raw Hide
7. Damage
8. Don't U Know
9. The Stomp
10. Goin' Down
11. Drunk Game (Sweet Sugar Pie)
12. Snakes
13. Brooklyn Zoo II (Tiger Crane)
14. Proteck Ya Neck II The Zoo
15. Cuttin' Headz
16. Dirty Dancin' (Bonus Track-CD Only)
17. Harlem World (Bonus Track-CD Only)

Tracks Below:


Anonymous said...


pass: http://hiphopclub.try.hu

Word of Advice

We don't upload any of the links in this blog because, their are too many floating around anyway, and it's a waste of time. Some do it for points, while some do it for money. Well we don't do it that way here, as long as we can share and let you know what's cracking with those albums we're happy. These guys don't get a lot of exposure, and for damn sure some of them will never graze the mainstream air wave. By the way not sure if anyone actually read this stuff, but if you made it this far, The Beat Dangler thanks you.


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